Saturday, January 9, 2010

Busy but not Posting....

Well, I have been super busy, but I haven 't been blogging. My goal for 2010 is to blog every week and to work every week to produce and finish new projects and old.... Finishing those UFO would be very cathartic. (for those not in the quilting world UnFinished Object)

I set up an etsy site, which you can find on the sidebar, or clink on this link . I have sold only a small postcard, but I got good feedback, which is nice.

I also designed and printed up some business cards.

Africa Revisited - Front - 90"x90"
Originally, this was going to be the back of the quilt, but I liked it so much that it is now the the front.

Africa Revisited - Back - 90"x90"
I finally finished my 'Africa Revisited.' Unfortunately, I don't have the space to hang it and get a great picture. Maybe later...

Knitted and Felted Bowls

I also knitted a bunch of bowls, which were to be felted, that I didn't felt and sold some as hats at a recent craft fair, which I had a booth at. Then I felted them.... Now they are felted bowls.

Various Fabric Bowls
I made a bunch of fabric bowls for the same craft fair, using commercial fabrics and my own hand-dyed fabrics. Loads of fun!

Lorraine's Quilt
Also, I pieced a top for my cousin, who had a house fire several years ago and lost some many treasures. It still needs boarders and quilting. Hope she likes it.

I also did some commission work small projects that made a little money....