I set up an etsy site, which you can find on the sidebar, or clink on this link http://www.etsy.com/shop/13thmoonstudio . I have sold only a small postcard, but I got good feedback, which is nice.
I also designed and printed up some business cards.
Originally, this was going to be the back of the quilt, but I liked it so much that it is now the the front.
I finally finished my 'Africa Revisited.' Unfortunately, I don't have the space to hang it and get a great picture. Maybe later...
I also knitted a bunch of bowls, which were to be felted, that I didn't felt and sold some as hats at a recent craft fair, which I had a booth at. Then I felted them.... Now they are felted bowls.
I made a bunch of fabric bowls for the same craft fair, using commercial fabrics and my own hand-dyed fabrics. Loads of fun!
Also, I pieced a top for my cousin, who had a house fire several years ago and lost some many treasures. It still needs boarders and quilting. Hope she likes it.
I also did some commission work small projects that made a little money....
Love love love that you have a blog, and an Etsy shop! You go, girl! Get your beautiful, soul-filling work out into the world.
Love the African piece and I agree with the back being a favorite. Enjoyed seeing all of your lovely pieces. Welcome to F.A.T. too!
Hi! Love your work!
I'm visiting the TFPC blogs this weekend!!
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